Reporting & Auditing in AirMed
AirMed software is specifically designed to meet or exceed Cannabis Act regulations with full audit support capabilities and comprehensive reporting. AirMed regularly passes Health Canada inspections. For more information visit our Compliance page.
AirMed is designed to support and comply with federal, provincial and local legislation. In fact, AirMed meets the USA’s FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations. Considered to be some of the most comprehensive electronic record keeping specifications in the world, they are the basis for the standards set by many countries.
AirMed pulls all the required information for all government reporting, whether monthly, quarterly, or annually. Reports are built in for Cannabis Licensing & Tracking System (CTLS) and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Supporting sub-reports provide the necessary validation detail. Export data to other systems or print reports to retain the required information outside of AirMed as archived printed or electronic records.
Every action/workflow in AirMed is auditable, and built-in audit reports & forms provide complete product traceability. Inventory, recall, destruction and other reports can be generated as needed. Authorized site auditors can be given access to perform inspections of records. AirMed retains all data indefinitely and lets you export or print reports to be held for required retention periods for audit purposes.
For more information about AirMed’s reporting and auditing features, schedule a free demo by clicking the Request Demo button at the top of the page or by using the contact form in the footer. You can also call us directly at 1-877-313-2442.