Cannabis in Canada: Get the Facts

Do you have questions about cannabis in Canada? Would you like to understand the laws that govern the Canadian cannabis industry? Are you considering applying for a license to cultivate, process or sell cannabis?
The federal government has a webpage that outlines what industry needs to know about cannabis in Canada. This information covers the basics related to doing business in the cannabis industry including:
Impact of the new law and regulations on industry
- Applying for or amending a federal licence
- Packaging and labelling requirements
- Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System requirements
- Compliance and enforcement under the Cannabis Act
- Prohibitions on promotions
- and more
The page provides links to relevant sections of the federal government website where you can find more information on each topic.
For more information on how AirMed helps you meet compliance, visit our Compliance page or our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you’d like to discuss your specific needs, please give us a call at 1-877-313-2442 or use one of the contact forms to start the ball rolling.
New AirMed version lays groundwork for October 17 Cannabis Act changes
A new version of AirMed seed-to-sale software was released October 16, 2019. This is a substantial build that lays the groundwork for the October 17 changes to the Cannabis Act and CTLS reporting.
The new version offers significant updates to the Received Products section of the cloud-based application including the ability to receive into the facility any type of product (edibles are coming soon) either bulk or packaged. The system now allows product to be transferred to a processor and packaged up, then the packaged material can be received back into the facility.
For received products, users now have the ability to add items to an existing lot, back-date inventory adds, and update finished/unfinished designation for new Health Canada regulations. We’ve also added an extraction material type category for new Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) reporting requirements, plus the ability to move all plants in batch and print a timeline report for batch details.
If you are a current AirMed customer, please explore the new features in your sandbox service, and let us know if you have any questions by contacting your customer service representative.
To learn more about the Cannabis Act in Canada visit: What you need to know about cannabis –
For more information on how AirMed helps your cannabis business, visit our Software page or our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you’d like to discuss your specific needs, please give us a call at 1-877-313-2442 or use one of the contact forms to start the ball rolling.