On September 22, 2022, the Government of Canada announced the launch of a legislative review of the Cannabis Act.
The announcement stated, “Parliamentarians recognized the need for an early assessment of the Government’s new approach to cannabis control, and included a provision requiring a review in the Act. The review will help ensure that the Act adapts to the current situation and continues to meet Canadians needs and expectations.”
An independent panel of experts will lead what is being called a credible and inclusive review. “The Panel will provide independent, expert advice to both Ministers on progress made towards achieving the Act’s objectives, and will help identify priority areas for improving the functioning of the legislation.”
In conjunction with the legislative review, an online engagement process has been launched.
All Canadians are invited to read Taking Stock of Progress: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation in Canada.
Canadians are also encouraged to share their views via the online questionnaire or through written feedback until November 21, 2022.
Take the survey here: https://ca1se.voxco.com/SE/?st=3KoT2Xgsv4uHJF2%2F0i%2F7oo5IS3ATejUCjIjdJ4lUsME%3D&lang=en
You can also read the original announcement on the Government of Canada website.