StratCann, an online news publication, has published a profile of AirMed. Stratcann covers the evolution of the legal cannabis industry in Canada and around the world, publishes news, company features and brand profiles.
The profile features quotes from our president and CEO, Justin Hearn, and our Director of Research and Development, Shane Nielsen.
One quote from Hearn read, “When showing our software to prospective clients, they are always blown away by how much information AirMed provides.”
Nielsen elaborated, “Users quickly discover all the different ways they can use the vast amount of information that we track to give them an edge in their business.”
The article concluded with a quote from Hearn, “Solutions like AirMed will need to feature more ERP-related functionality to manage production planning including routing through external organizations… Software solutions will need to evolve from record-keeping compliance to cannabis industry-specific ERP platforms.”

Read the full profile at Stratcann: https://stratcann.com/2022/06/13/airmed-seed-to-sale-business-solutions/
Download a PDF of this profile: Stratcann AirMed Profile PDF
If you’d like to learn more about AirMed, please visit our software page: AirMed Software